Friday, November 11, 2011

Sovereign Grace Ministries Assessment

Ted Kober of "Ambassadors for Reconciliation" spoke this week at Sovereign Grace Ministries PastorsConference. At the end of his message, Ted gave an overview of what his team is learning about Sovereign Grace Ministries polity, process and procedures.

As a family of ministers,  RFM should digest the observations from their initial
research and interviews. The assessment put forth should motivate each of us to have a clear grasp of the "Cross of Accountability" as a redemtpive process with defined procedure for handling conflict and charges.

 An audio recording of the AFR session is also posted on the SGM site below.


1.SGM has been blessed to grow over the last three decades.

2.SGM has been effective in their focus on church planting and witness.

3.SGM’s quick growth has not been accompanied by the appropriate
 development of structure, process, and policy (and he lists several examples).

4.A number of people have expressed hurts and anger over the way discipline
 has been handled within SGM churches.

5.When significant charges were brought against the chairman and several board
 members, SGM had to develop processes in the midst of conflict. This is extremely
 difficult. Ideally a system is in place so everyone knows what to expect, but this was
 not the case for those bringing or receiving allegations.

6.No matter who assisted SGM during this crisis, they were going to be criticized.
 Nobody could come into the middle of a crisis and design a system that satisfied
 everyone, and everyone will be able to find something to criticize. This is to be
 expected in the middle of a conflict.

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