Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Gospel Of God's Righteous Wrath

"M]odern evangelism begins with, “God loves you and wants to make you happy.” Read the literature of the user-friendly movement and you’ll notice a preoccupation with conveying every message in a positive tone…

[But] there is no way to synthesize the truth about God’s wrath with a positive-only presentation of the gospel. There is no way to declare the truth about God’s wrath to an unbelieving sinner in an “optimistic” tone.

As a result, the gospel preached in these [seeker-sensitive] churches is often truncated—and the point that is most deliberately censored is the very place Paul began his gospel presentation—the reality of divine wrath!

Those who feel they must be forever optimistic are forced to ignore crucial sections of Scripture, including most of Romans 1, Luke 16, all the Hebrews warning passages, much of the core of Old Testament truth, and about half of Jesus’ teaching. And so the philosophy shapes the message."

John MacArthur

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