Monday, October 25, 2010

Christian Ethics Can Be Problematic

"Here I Blog" is a site that frequently poses ethical dilemmas  for us to consider. Bear in mind that many of these scenarios are based on  real life issues. Today's example deals with the lottery. Other topics have included church discipline and cohabitation.

What would you guys do?

While away visiting relatives in another state one of your friends from church bought a $1 lottery ticket at the influence of his cousin. He never plays the lottery and hasn’t thought much about it. He figured that it was only $1 so what could it hurt?

It turns out that your friend ended up winning $5 million!

He comes to you for advice on what to do. He’s not sure how the folks at your church may react. He’s not sure if he should tell anyone or not. One of the first things he wants to do is tithe to the church. Then he wants to pay off all of his debts and just sit on the money so that it does not take over his life in any way.

He wonders if a large lump sum donation would spur conversation in the church. And he wonders if church leadership will ask where the money came from. He also does not know if he should tell anyone else in the church besides you. (Of course, his spouse knows.)

What would you do?
>Tell him to tithe and say nothing.
>Tell him to give all the money away since it’s lottery money.
>Seek your pastor for advice?
>Help find someone to manage it for him?
>Rebuke him for playing the lottery?
>Ask for a personal love offering?

Related posts:

Ethics: Cohabitation In the Church
Ethics: Excluding A Single Parent from Church Membership
Ethics: Immodest Dress In Church
Ethics: A Yoga Class Starting at Church
Ethics: Resign Church Membership To Avoid Discipline

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