Friday, June 21, 2013

More Than 4 in 10 LGBT Adults Identify As Christians

 How can we square these stats with the biblical truth of scripture that declares, "Sinner's shall not stand in the congregation of the righteous?" [Psalm 1:5]

Here's what else a substantial survey by the Pew Research Center discovered about LGBT adults and religion:

*Most LGBT adults with a religious affiliation are Christians (53% Protestant, 26% Catholic).

*Of LGBT adults with religious affiliations, 1 in 3 believe there is a conflict between their  religious beliefs and their sexual orientation (vs. only 18 percent of the unaffiliated).

*A majority of lesbians (56%) consider religion either very important or somewhat important in their life. This compares with 40 percent of bisexual adults and 39 percent of gay men."

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