Thursday, June 10, 2010

Who Tithes These Days?

Scott McKnight shares,"You might be surprised what the numbers tell us about who and who doesn't tithe. In "What Americans Really Believe" we get a pretty full disclosure of some significant facts about tithing."

Fact #1: poor people are more likely to tithe and give a higher percent of their income that wealthy people. Thus, Americans who make 10,000 or less give 11.2% of their income, while those who make 150,000+ give 2.7% of their income. There is a basic descent of percent of income given from the poor to the wealthy.

Fact #2: denominationally, the spectrum moves from Catholics (2.2%) to Lib Prots (3.0) to Cons Prots (5.5) to Black Prots (5.7) to Mormons (7.1) in percent of income given to the church. The percent giving a tithe goes like this: RCC (2.5), Libs (5.9), Cons (14.4), Black Prots (13.5) to Mormons (34.0).

Fact #3: those who tithe or who give more correlate with such things as church attendance.

After the jump, two more interesting facts:

Fact: widows and widowers are the most likely to tithe: 20.1% widows vs. 16.7 widowers tithe.

Fact: older people are more likely to tithe. The average age of an American tither is 54.1 yrs.

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