Monday, April 16, 2012

How We Became A Nation Of Heretics

I recommend that we all consider reading Ross Douthat’s new book, "Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics."

Douthat isn't a "Doctrine Cop", a "Heresy Hunter" or one of todays so called "Discernment Ministries".

As the youngest-ever op-ed columnist for the New York Times, Ross Douthat has emerged as one of the most provocative and influential voices of his generation. In Bad Religion he offers a masterful and hard-hitting account of how American Christianity has gone off the rails—and why it threatens to take American society with it.

Justin Taylor has provided great reviews by Collin Hansen and Tim Keller,  as well as a video of Douthat speaking on the actual content of his new book. 

rgh TGC Collin Hansen has provided a review of the book....the conclusion of Collin’s review:

"Whether Americans realize it or not, the country needs an orthodox, prophetic church. But the church today, bloated by a smorgasbord of heresy, is not fit to fulfill this calling...

Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics

– Timothy Keller, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City
“Bad Religion is superb: sharply critical of the amazing variety of American religious pathologies, but fair; blunt in diagnosis, but just; telling a dark tale, but telling it hopefully. For those trying to understand the last half-century or more of American religion, and to strive for a better future, it is an indispensable book.”

Ross Douthat Bio

Monday, April 2, 2012

John Piper Excommunicates His 19 Year Old Son

In First Timothy 5:21, The Apostle Paul charged the young minister with implementing biblical imperatives without showing partiality or favoritism. In other words, walk it out with integrity.

The Apostles principle of "scriptura suprema" reveals that every  relationship must be subordinate to the Supremacy of Christ and his law-word. This necessarily involves the practice of redemptive rescue through corrective discipline with family members.

John Piper modeled just such character based submission to Christ Lordship by initiating the redemptive process with his 19 year old  son.

What integrity!  What honor!  What nobility!  What virtue!  What courage! Not only that, but notice the honor and respect his son demonstrates to his dad for having biblical integrity.

”I went to the elders and I said to them, ‘Here’s the situation. I think my son needs to be pursued by the elders as far as you can, and then he needs to be excommunicated if he doesn’t respond.’ He was 19 years old….we did follow through with the discipline. And God was merciful.”

Christianity Today Magazine recently interviewed Piper and asked him about the excommunication of his 19 year old son and what the reconciliation process looked like:

".....The night after that excommunication, I called him at 10:00 and said, "Abraham, you knew what was coming."

He said, "That's what I expected you to do. That has integrity. I respect you for doing it." From then on, for the next four years, he was walking away from the Lord, trying to make a name for himself in disco bars as a guitarist and singer, and just doing anything but destroying himself. We were praying like crazy that he wouldn't get somebody pregnant, or marry the wrong person, or whatever. He came back to the Lord four years later and the church had a beautiful, beautiful restoration service. He wept his eyes out in front of the church and was restored. This is church discipline at its best. He wrote an article about it for Decision magazine....."

May the Exalted Christ grant that each of us have the same compassionate courage to walk out the wisdom of God and resist the vain philosophy of fallen man.
